SHYpractice Kinesiology Informed Consent 

It is necessary for you, the client, to give your informed consent to receive kinesiology assessment & treatment services in-person and virtually, and accept the costs involved and for the collection. I(We) want you to understand the services provided and the costs involved.

Consent for Assessment & Treatment

As BCAK registered kinesiologists, we hold ourselves to a high standard of service, and strive to conduct ourselves with a high degree of responsibility.

Kinesiology may involve the use of a variety of physical fitness evaluation and treatment techniques along with various procedures and modalities used to assist in improving your health and functional ability. As with all forms of medical treatment, there are benefits and risks involved with this type of treatment. Since the physical response to a specific treatment can vary widely from person to person, it is not always possible to accurately predict your response to any given component or procedure. We are not able to guarantee precisely what your reaction to a particular treatment might be, nor can we guarantee that our treatment will help the condition you are seeking treatment for. There is also a risk that your treatment may cause pain or injury, or may aggravate previously existing conditions. You will be informed of (and have the right to ask) what type of treatment is being planned based on your history, diagnosis, symptoms and assessment findings. You may also request additional detail regarding the potential risks and benefits of a specific treatment might be if the initial explanation is unclear to you at any time. You have the right to decline any portion of your treatment at any time before or during your treatment sessions. Therapeutic exercises are an integral part of most treatment plans. Exercise has inherent physical risks associated with it. 

Expected benefits from Testing/Exercise 

The tests/exercises performed allow for the assessment/appraisal of your physical mobility, strength and cardiorespiratory capacity, and through subsequent exercise to improve your overall physical fitness. The test results are used to develop a safe and sound exercise program for you. Your information is kept strictly confidential unless you consent to the release of this information. 


Questions clarifying the potential benefits and risks regarding any of the procedures or tests recommended to assess your physical work capacity or physical fitness status are encouraged and should be asked at the earliest opportunity. If you have any questions or need additional information, please ask the kinesiologist to provide additional information or explanation. 

Freedom of Consent 

Your permission to perform the physical fitness tests and prescribed exercises is completely voluntary. You are free to stop the tests or exercises at any point, if you so desire. 

Consent for Service Costs 

Please ask to see the fee schedule if you are unable to see it. The schedule details the fees for individual appointment sessions, assessment, reports and the cost to obtain copies of your records should you wish to do so. The fees charged are typically based on time but can vary depending on the type of treatment or assessment you are receiving and whether or not treatment is delivered on site (clinic location) or off site (at your home or other location). If no insurance company or other third party payer agrees to cover the services provided, you are responsible for paying the full amount of those services at the time service is rendered.